2001 The Oz Reunion
The Daily Diary
Tuesday 13th March. Movie Time.
T U E S D A Y 134 t h.
A ‘Magical Night of Nostalgia’ featuring the classic
‘Love is a Many Splendid Thing’ movie shot in 1955 in Hong Kong; see how
many locations you recognise after all those years. Dinner on the beachfront
balcony of the Northcliffe Surf and Lifesaving Club
Dear Viewer. Some of the pages below have a lot of photos. If you have a slow modem it will time out and you will get a square with a red cross in the corner. To open this image click the photo with the right button of your mouse, from the selection panel click the show picture option with the left button. Enjoy. Rod Sell.
It's Tuesday. It's Movie Night.
Updated 17th April
My thanks to Les Baker for these photos. Please send yours.
The group enjoying the Movie.
All eyes on the movie.
A Cinemascope production. Must be the
Love scene or they recognise someone in the bar. Image from Jose
(Tony Williams)
My thanks to Tony Williams for the photos below.
If you have any please email them and if possible with comments.
Laara (Lynn Baldwin) Zimerman and partner Denny
Phil Rosenberg, Nicky Vargassoff and Susie (Baker)
Barros. "The Pillow Guy"
Pauline (Williams) Burnaby. Looking for some
Johnny Monteiro. "I can't see a thing without
my glasses. Has the movie started."
"There's the first bell". Les Baker and Skip Heinecke
Lets get good seats. Bob McKirdy, Fiona McIlravey
and Carolyn Ames.
I can't watch this bit.
Fiona McIlravey. "Can I be excused".
Jennifer Vargassoff "I can do this with my
eyes closed, or was it a Monica Chang impersonation".
Pauline (Williams) Burnaby and Shody Chow.
"No it's William Holden"
Jack and Fiona McIlravey and Bob McKirdy.
The End.
This way to the Exit.
Tony Williams and Nora Sun.
Helen (Kim) Lew and Lulu (Diespecker) Lee.
"It was just so good".
Tony Williams and Phil Rosenberg. "Phil it's
only a movie".