Hong Kong Perfins R to Y
53 R & Co. - Russell &
53a R & Co. - Russell &
Co. (Hong Kong)
Image from Ming Tsang
53A R & Co. (O inside C) - Reiss
& Co. (Shanghai)
Image from Rod Sell
Image from Frank Drake
53B R R / & CA..
Roxas Reyes & Company, Philippines. 56
holes, 5mm letters
Image from Frank
Image from Phipille Orsetti on a Philippine stamp.
54 S & Co. - Siemssen & Co.
Image from Rod Sell
55 S.B/& Co. - Believed to be Smith
Bell & Co.
Image from Philippe Orsetti
Images from Dick Scheper
55A S.C.S.B. - The Shanghai
Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd.
Image from Rod Sell
55B S D /
& / E Co. 6mm letters, 60 holes, Shanghai. cover
Image from Harmon Fine
56 S H S - Shing Hwa Savings. (Shanghai)
Image from Dick Scheper.
Image from
M Witcomb (ebay)
Image from Rod Sell
57 S K - No image available yet.
58 S.W. & Co. - Sander Wieler &
Co. cover
58A T - Hong Kong
Government New Territories.
Image from Frank Drake
59 T C / & / S - Thomas Cook
& Sons 3 lines cover
Image from Rod Sell
59a T C / & S - Thomas Cook &
Sons 2 lines. 7 Holes in C HK Office
cover cover
59b T C / & S - Thomas Cook &
Sons 2 lines. 8 Holes in C Shanghai Office
Image from Rod Sell
Image from Adam Williamson. Missing pin in
60 T/EC - See. III - 17A CJ/T/EC
60A U I / S C - Union Insurance Society
of Canton.
Image from Dick Scheper
Image from Rod Sell
61 U T / Co - Union Trading Co.
Image from Rod Sell
Image from Rod Sell
61A V & C - Vogel & Co.,
Images from Rod Sell
Images from Dick Scheper
62 V / & Co- Vogel & Co., Canton
63 V. H / & Co - Vogel, Hagedorn
& Co., H.K.;
64 W. & Co - W. A. Hannibal &
Co. cover
Image from Rod Sell
66 Y S / B - Yokohama Specie bank
Image from Rod Sell
Image from Philippe
67 6 pointed star 12
holes. Design made of 4 rows of 4 hole each 6mm in length.
from Rod
Image from